Art We Love
March 7 - July 19, 2015
Vollmer Gallery
About This Exhibition
2015 marks the 80th anniversary of the Wichita Art Museum.
To celebrate this milestone, “Art We Love” is a series of three exhibitions across the year that will feature works of art chosen by a cross-section of people who call Wichita home.
In addition to the selection by guest community curators, each presentation of “Art We Love” will feature one artwork selected by popularity vote online. Benefactor Louise Caldwell Murdock gave a bequest to found the art museum and build its collection–for the Wichita community. This special series continues and honors her vision by inviting community members to come behind-the-scenes and chose a favorite artwork to share with the public.
The first Art We Love installment features works of art from WAM’s collection chosen by:
- Sarah Bagby, Watermark Books owner
- Emily Compton, Goodwill Industries of Kansas president
- Larry Hatteberg, photojournalist
- Jayne Milburn, WAM board member emeritus
- Armando Minjarez, Wichita artist and community activist
- Randy Regier, Wichita artist
- Lily Wu, KAKE Channel 10 reporter and Wichita Asian Festival president