A Couple Ways of Doing Something
January 29 - April 15, 2012
Louise and S. O. Beren Gallery
John W. and Mildred L. Graves Gallery
About This Exhibition
The creativity of Chuck Close extends beyond his completed works of art. Close is more than just a painter, photographer, and printmaker. In his words, he is a builder of “painting experiences for the viewer.” Highly renowned as a painter, Close is also a master photographer. Over the last 30 years, Close has pushed the boundaries of traditional daguerreotypes in remarkable ways.
In the exhibition A Couple of Ways of Doing Something, Close features 15 of his delicate daguerreotypes alongside enlargements of 20 leading contemporary artists. The entire exhibition is paired with poems by humorist Bob Holman. Close also crosses artistic boundaries by taking works from daguerreotypes and presenting them in a variety of media including tapestries and photogravures.
It is important to note that not one of Close’s images is created digitally or mechanically. Close’s creations are labor intensive and time consuming. While an object can occupy Close for many months, it is not unusual for one work of art to take more than two years to complete. The creative process is as important to Close as the finished product. “Process and collaboration” are two words that are essential to any conversation about Close’s art.

Chuck Close, Cindy Sherman, ca 2008. Dauguerreotype.