WAM for Kids

WAM for Kids
We offer activities for kids of all ages, both at the museum and online. Explore your creative side with these art activities created by WAM’s Education Department.
Activities to do at Home: Transportation and Imagination
Download: Explore on Foot
What can you discover when all you need is a pair of walking shoes? Right outside your front door is a world to explore.
Download: Boat-tastic
Traveling by water is one of the oldest ways to see the world. You could travel the oceans, seas, rivers, canals, and lakes of the earth's watery passageways.
Download: Travel by Train
Railroads first connected America's coasts in the 1800s. Today the United States has more than 125,000 miles of train tracks.
Download: Destination: Imagination
Your imagination is all you need to travel to a destination of your own creation.
Activities to do at Home
Download: Newspaper Activities for Newsies
Pretend you are a newspaper reporter and write your own news story about artwork in WAM's collection.
Download: Collage By Chance
Do you have a pair of dice? In this fun artmaking activity, dice are used to guide you in arranging different things together.
Download: Create Your Own Viewfinder
See things from a new perspective by creating your own viewfinder with popsicle sticks.
Start at WAM/Complete at Home
Download: Art Lab Camp: Explore Color Mixation
We can see red, orange, yellow, green, blue, indigo, and violet in the colors of a rainbow. When you visit WAM and walk through the front door, what colors do you see?
Download: Art Lab Camp: Architecture
Outside and Inside: How are the places and spaces around us created? Find a work of art in WAM's collection and then answer questions about your home and how it's constructed.
Download: Art Lab Camp: Abstract Dimensions
Abstract Art can be anything you design. Find a work of art in WAM's collection and explore the elements of art: line, color, shape, form, texture, space and value.
Outdoor Activities in the Art Garden
Download: Art Garden Scavenger Hunt
As the weather warms up and the flowers bloom, see what you can discover in WAM's Art Garden.
Download: Take a Flower Walk In the Art Garden
When spring is here and the flowers are blooming, look for artful landscapes in the Art Garden.
Download: Play I Spy in the Art Garden
Can you find these different colors, textures and shapes?
◆ Youth and Family programs are generously supported by Art Bridges Foundation’s Access for All program
◆ Youth Education programs are supported by the Lynne Ruffin-Smith Charitable Foundation
◆ 2024 StoryTime and Art Start programs are supported by Walser Foundation
◆ Free Saturday Featured Events and Library Passes* are sponsored by Colby Sandlian, Sandlian Realty
◆ 2024 exhibitions and public programs are generously supported by the Downing Foundation
◆ The Wichita Art Museum’s education programs are supported in part by the Kansas Creative Arts Industries Commission, which receives funding from Kansas Department of Commerce and the National Endowment for the Arts, a federal agency.
* Thanks to the generous support of Colby Sandlian, Sandlian Realty, more than 40 public libraries in the metro area and across the state offer access to check out passes to all temporary exhibitions at WAM for FREE! Visit your library and check out your pass today!
General admission to the museum is free to everyone.