
About This Event

Photo of Twice Removed exhibition organizer Daniel Pewewardy.

Exhibition organizer Daniel Pewewardy

Join Twice Removed: Native American Life After Relocation exhibition organizer Daniel Pewewardy (Comanche)—librarian, filmmaker, comedian, and Vice-Chair of the Mid-America All Indian Museum—to learn about the latest exhibition in WAM’s Cessna Gallery.

WAM’s Cessna Gallery is dedicated to works of art by local artists. The space is a partnership with Harvester Arts, a local nonprofit art organization that fosters opportunities for Wichita creatives. Harvester Arts’ core values of experimentation, capacity building, and community engagement are a framework for this partnership, which includes the gallery space and programs with local creatives including performances, talks and pop-up experiences.

Wed. October 4
10 AM | Complimentary coffee and pastries
10:30 AM | Presentation

$2 public/Free WAM members